
Our team makes websites that work!

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Only the best

Need a New Website Design?

Why do you need a website? Excellent question. A website is your storefront in the digital world, and that digital world is huge. It is projected that there will be 230 million online shoppers in 2021. This is true even if you own a local brick and mortar store. Roughly 60% of shopping experiences begin online, regardless of if the final purchase happens online or in a store. So yes, you need a website.

Why choose DaganWeb for you website needs? Because our websites are stylish, secure, and fast - everything your potential customer is looking for. As an added bonus we aim to give you the best experience possible during the creation process. We want to deliever you an amazing website and an amazing experience while doing it.

How do we create your website? First we will talk with you to get an understanding of your website goals. After that we will work with you to create the visuals of your site. After determining how the site will look it's now time to code the site. Once everything is looking exactly how you want it you sign off on the project and it is complete.

web design pricing made easy

Website Design Pricing

The below web design packages, although they can be purchased as seen, are meant mostly to give a gauge for the cost of websites based on the size of the project. We are always happy to work with you to balance your current budget with your website needs.

Our web designers are ready

Contact Website Design Team

We know we can make you an amazing website and we're ready and waiting. Just fill out the form below and we'll get in contact with you right away to begin the process.

+1 701-353-5546

We are always ready to help; that's what we're here for. If you have a question or comment we want to hear from you. Please fill this form out and we will be glad to talk with you about whatever you and your business need. The message you send today could be the start an amazing long standing relationship. We look forward to working with you.