How websites get found.

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Your site ranked

Do you want your site seen?

Are customers visiting your website? If the answer is no most likey it is because they can't find you. The harsh reality is if you aren't on the first page of Google then it's unlikely your prospective customers will ever see your website. According to Forbes the first five results of a search capture 67.6% of the clicks. How does Google determine who gets those first coveted spots - SEO. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the art of optimizing a website in such a way that search engines view that site as a top authority on the web, resulting is that site being presented on the top of searches.

Why choose DaganWeb for you SEO needs? At DaganWeb we believe it's necessary to be open and forthcoming about what we are doing with your SEO budget. Therefore every month we will sit down with you and discuss how things are going and what steps need to be taken in the future to increase your rankings. We work with hard numbers so you know how your site is progressing though the search rankings month by month. We'll show this to you through monthly reports you can review and compare.

How do you get started with your SEO journey? First we will sit down with you to discuss your goals and create an SEO plan based on your objectives. The next month we will review progress and then reasses goals for the following month. This process can continue as long as you are happy with the results we are getting you. We don't feel the need to lock you into any contracts. If we're not doing our job or you're not seeing the benefit of our SEO efforts we can part ways as friends. No hard feelings.

SEO designed for your budget

SEO Pricing

We offer fair and competitive pricing for our SEO services. Choose the package that will best fit your business needs. If you need something more custom simple let us know and we will be happy to talk with you to provide exactly what you need.

Our web designers are ready

Contact Website Design Team

We know we can make you an amazing website and we're ready and waiting. Just fill out the form below and we'll get in contact with you right away to begin the process.

+1 701-353-5546

We are always ready to help; that's what we're here for. If you have a question or comment we want to hear from you. Please fill this form out and we will be glad to talk with you about whatever you and your business need. The message you send today could be the start an amazing long standing relationship. We look forward to working with you.